Sunday, May 15, 2011

Up to date....

Well this year has been full of ups and downs. I have started working at a friends shop to try and get back to normal after my attempt at Pro racing and being an Out role model. My experience was pretty mixed and I wish it turned out different. I had great faith in the GLBT community wanting a role model in a straight oriented sport but found out the community as a group doesn't. My fans are great and everyone that has wanted to support me in the past have bveen a godsend and I thank everyone for that! but the community as a group has been dissapointing. HRC has a few people that sent me info after repeated requests but no real effort on their part to help promote me or my mission. I have done everything to get through to Ellen, Elton John, Madonna, Lady Gaga and other positive people influencing the GLBT community. I dont even get a response. My publicist (in the past...cant afford agents and publicists anymore) tried to contact them as well to no avail. If anyone knows how to contact these people please let me know! I am pretty sure mainstream companies would not sponsor an Out person as they probably believe they will lose market share so I have been marketing private individuals to try and at least get out there to perform. Still looking. Once im out and racing I still really believe I can make a difference by showing we are the same. I absolutely love the commercials for Ashley Fiolek as she overcame diversity issues and public question to be great at something she loves. Racing. Very touching story! So as I go to work everyday I try and come up with marketing ideas that havent been tried before and proven ones I would love to try again. Someone MUST want to see this happen! I really hope I am not alone believing we can all make a difference.


Unknown said...

You're a member of the one last, great marginalized population in the USA, Evan.

"Popular" acceptance - appealing to the lowest common denominator of the masses, which is what marketing is ultimately all about - lags pretty substantially behind the leading edge of any progress in civil rights. You'd be facing a challenge in a strong economy but particularly now, it's going to be a tough row to hoe.

Keep up the pressure.


Unknown said...

Good to know that you are not giving up. Success is 50% hope, 20% drive and 30% sheer dumb luck. Wish I could do more to support you that just encourage. Guess that's my someday. Keep hanging in there. (It won't make you any taller, believe me I've been hanging in there a LONG time & I'm still short.)

Evan said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I will always try no matter how hard it seems. I have to pay bills so my effort is split between paying bills and working on this project.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you are still around and posting here, I almost gave up hope that you'd no longer be posting.

Evan said...

I will keep posting...have a few plans and hope to be racing soon! I will be asking for help from my fans on here and Facebook/Twitter soon so stay tuned!