Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Smart Ride 8

Well now that the 13 Hour race has come and gone I am working towards my goals for The Smart Ride! If anyone knows someone with a place in Key West I could use a place to crash Saturday night as hotels are expensive! I have almost reached my goal but need a few more people to step up and donate. On the link below you can make a donation for me from $1 to $1000. Every little bit helps! Here is the link...


I hope the weather is better than it was in Virginia! I have developed a head cold from the trip and I really hope it goes away so I can start training again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last time I was in Key West was for a Spring Break-fest and we brought a tent and slept under a palm tree somewhere. Then we spied a hotel where the housekeepers would open all the doors to air and clean the rooms out and we would go in and shower, it was brilliant.

Good luck in the event and I look forward to reading about it.
