Sunday, September 23, 2012

Something different

Well since my auto racing career is in the toilet until further notice I am trying something a bit different. As many of you know I have been playing with road bicycles for a year now and decided to do my first timed event. There are plenty of time trials and criterium races around here but I figured I would do something fun. On October 7th I will be in Reading PA for a Grand Fondo 90 mile ride. A grand fondo is an event that is all about cycling and attracts people from all over the country and world. It is a mass start timed ride with awards for the climbs and overall finishing position. I know I will not be very high up on the board as there will be plenty of pros and actual bike racers there but it will still be a blast to be a part of it and just finish! Cycling has become a very large part of my life as it has improved my health condition and made me feel and look better! Obligatory abs pictures coming soon! It has gotten me to the gym and to have healthier eating habits. I will update with results and maybe a few pictures when I am back...wish me luck! Evan


Anonymous said...

So glad you have found another outlet you can be passionate about! Have a blast, and I can't wait to read about it!

Evan said...

I am enjoying it as I have always liked bikes and I seem to be passionate about everything I get myself into LOL!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Evan.

I hope you do keep posting on this blog or on your Facebook page. I will always be interested in what you will be doing.
