Monday, July 4, 2011


I have been working on figuring out how to do some promotions to gain visibility and maybe compete again. I started searching and looking at different blogs and such and found some disturbing stuff. We all know Fred Phelps is a coward that hates everyone but when you see the number of supporters and fans he has its disturbing. I looked at his blog (comments are off of course as he is afraid of public opinion) and he really is an activist of the worst kind. I wish I had as much support as him. I am one of the few people that represent the LGBT community by coming out in my sport and my demographic hasnt yet supported me and the trevor project. Are there that many more wealthy hateful people that would support someone like that in comparison to our community? Disturbing. We have alot of wealth in our community and it seems to be a very self serving group we are part of. There are lots of great people that work their asses off to help and support our organizations but the majority of the wealthy ones only seem to support themselves and tax write offs. When will someone step to the front and help some sports figures compete in the mainstream straight sports? It will not happen without support.

I wish I had a better way to reach people as I am no marketing expert. It looks like people like Fred Phelps reach people through extreme hate and negativity. I can not to that. I need a way to reach out to the ones that want to help. I have many letters and packages out to people that don't seem to care. Does anyone care is the question. As I go back to work and try and dissapear into normal society I take with me the bitter taste of rejection. I really wish someone could change that...

thank you everyone for your support and words of encouragement through the past few years and sorry I couldn't find people or companies to support an Out racer.

'till next time,


Mark Bivings said...

Evan, you know if I had the funds I'd have you out racing with the best team that money could buy. Unfortunately, I can't even muster the funds to compete in the small time local events. Don't think that you have failed though. You have made a difference in people's attitudes in much the same way I have. By getting to know them and allowing them to get to know you attitudes have changed. Not with everyone, but with one person at a time. It's a much more difficult road to be sure but in the end the younger generation will eventually benefit from your hard work. As for retirement, it's much too soon for either one of us. Keep instructing and keep doing the events you can attend. Perhaps some day the door will open and you can be there to walk through to educate and forward the cause.

Evan said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement Mark! I will always try.

Chris said...

VF stick shift link: