Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I am looking for suggestions to get me some sponsors!! post what ever you can come up with...


Anonymous said...

Hello from Key West, FL!

Have you tried any of the larger corporations that support gay and lesbians such as Bank of America, OUT Magazine, Atlantis Cruises..etc? Just curious. I know Rosie O'Donnell is here on her cruise but if I attend the party for her, I'll mention your situation.

I read the short story on you in The Advocate. I think it's important the people realize that gays and lesbians are just like anyone else and yes...we can be racecar drivers, football and rugby players.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Evan said...

I have tried them but without someone onthe inside it is hard to get thru. I send stuff but they never seem to get it. The advocate article was great I was happy to see it published!
Get Rosie O'Donnell on board...she should appreciate my goals and charity (The Trevor Project)