Friday, July 6, 2007


I am at the end of my financial abilities to race. If there is anyone out there that wants to see me do well in this sport now is the time to step up to the plate! I have a paypal button on my website ( ) . There has to be a GLBT business or individual out there that wants to help! This is my quest to find them! I am going back to work after this month is through with no future races planned. I have a few media things I am pursuing and maybe something will come of that but for now I am pretty much finished. I have recieved alot of good supportive emails and kind words of support and would like to thank everyone for them. It has been a fun, stressful and enlightening year so far and I hope I have made a difference to someone. I will be at Barber Motorsports Park on July 20-22 to do my usual with Roar racing (RX 8) and might drive. feel free to contact me thru my website or look me up at the track.



Anonymous said...

Damn...I would give it if I had it!! Someone will I am sure...there is alot of money out there


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear this, hopefully someone can step up and help you out. good luck!

Evan said...

Thanks I really need it! I am working my tail off to try and make this work. I have 2 demographics, GLBT and the racing/fan community...someone surely is out is just reaching them that is the hard part.

Unknown said...

At our driver's meeting last week, one of the officials encouraged us to get involved with the NASCAR Diversity program. I'm probably not giving you any info that you don't already know, but I looked into the diversity program and from what I found it appears to be set up for persons of color, specifically African American, but I wonder if it would be worth a shot for you to petition them to add sexual orientation to their idea of diversity? The official who spoke to us said they are "looking to give rides".

Evan said...

I tried the NASCAR Diversity program and sent them all my info...never heard from big surprise there! I will send them another email to see what they say...I am sure they are looking for ethnic diversity not someone like me. If they were I would have heard back...I even talked to someone in the program but nothing.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I assume the NASCAR program is designed for ethnic diversity. Kinda hypocritical for a "Diversity Program" not to include diversity, though, don't you think? It might take the officials a while to get around to understanding that. Maybe when we're all old and gray and racing wheelchairs around a nursing home courtyard -- ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Late Model Super Pride Wrangler PMV 4-wheel Main Event!

Anonymous said...

Hey Evan,
I worked for a very major sponsor of NASCAR and was the front contact person for anyone who wanted to receive sponsorship money. Sometimes sponsors are incapable of handling the volume of email and phone calls. Continue to do it. Make contact with one person and be persistent (and charming). There are many times when I would not follow up with someone due to lack of time rather than lack of desire.

Best Wishes,
Martin Amaya